Hey people... :P
So Nicholas told me to write a post on his blog, and he didn't really give me much of a choice. I don't mind though, since this blog seems to be quite empty anyways. This is the second time I am guest blogging. I used to do it on my old teachers blog last year. I wouldn't say I'm used to it though, I'm not sure what to write about.
I met Nicholas, or Nick, on a site quite a while ago. On the 12th of may or something, I think? It's quite interesting that we kept talking, considering that we both started out with some weird facts about eachother. It's a very good thing though, that we did. Since we are now talking every day, and I'd say that I enjoy it very much..
So what else can I write? Maybe something about myself? I'm a blonde, short, swedish girl who's hopefully not living up to the swedish stereotype, even though I have my blonde moments. But who doesn't have blonde moments, really? Even Nick has blonde moments. I am pretty shy, although it's been getting alot better lately. I don't seem to care too much anymore. I'm not sure I can describe myself more than that. Some people have said that I'm funny. But the only times I'd say I'm funny, is when it's totally not on purpose, when I embarress myself.
This was a lame post. Maybe the next time I can get a subject to work on?
So long sweethearts (yeah, you could put some ugly words there - but you know I wouldn't)
okies... next time i'll give you a subject to write about... :P you were really shy..? i never noticed it, i guess that is a good thing that i didn't notice. I think that you will definatlly have to guest blog again, it'll be nice.. :P