Friday, 30 December 2011


How does one remain friends with someone that broke up with them, or vise versa. Its extremely hard and to be honest i guess at first it is quite problematic because there may or may not be residual feelings for the other party, but I would have to say that to get over things quickly would be to immerse yourself in something, for instance me in a book on mathematics and statistics for scientists and a book on quantum physics for scientists and technicians..

To be honest I haven't really learnt a lot, at the moment, but that might be down to the fact that maths was not really a strong point of mine, even though I have a foundation degree in chemical sciences. I have never been good at maths, but one can master something like maths if one just keeps on plugging away at it, and practices pretty much every day.

That is what will be my resolution for the new year to master my maths skills, I ended up with a D in maths at GCSE level, it may have been down to the fact that I didn't listen or I wasn't taught very well, the excuses are endless. I will do well at maths and be a better scientist as a result.

That is all for this post, so to reiterate.. Immerse yourself in something after a breakup, I'm bad at maths but I want to get better..

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