Monday, 17 December 2012


Over the last while I have been shocked and appalled at America, this isn't America bashing either. I find it shocking and appalling that America is the only place that you hear of "mass shootings". It is shocking that a person with a firearm is allowed to just walk into a cinema and shoot people, to walk into a primary school and kill 20 children that  haven't even lived a life yet! It is appalling that these things happen, I'm not saying the UK is a perfect place, to be quite frank nowhere is, but for a guy to walk into a primary school, or a cinema, or other schools, workplaces, corporate buildings, government buildings whatever and then just shoot people.

Yeah I understand that kids get bullied (a reason for several school shootings) and people are depressed, but does that really give the right to kill? Gandhi once said "an eye for an eye, would make the whole world blind" And it seems to be going that way!

The reason for this post is the recent killing of 27 people in a primary school in America. I'm not one to usually comment on things really but this just boils my wick, it gets on my nerves.. Its great that America has certain rights that its constitution gives each citizen, but the one where it enables practically everyone to have guns (I say practically because I do not exactly know the specifics of that constitutional right, it is my understanding of it, feel free to correct it) to defend their homes or land or whatever, yeah that's great and all, but according to UNODC figures, the US has a firearm homicide rate of 2.97 per 100,000 people, something needs to be changed. I understand that other countries have a higher firearm homicide rate and those countries need to improve their firearms regulations, but the US has had its schools shot up for too long now, it certainly has a colourful history of pupils in schools being killed.

The first recorded shooting was in the 1700's and every century since then, there has been quite a few. During the last 20 years collectively there has been nearly 400 deaths from shootings in schools, hell in 1998-1999 nearly 4,000 American students, that were children for the most part, were expelled from their respective schools for bring a firearm to school. If that doesn't scream for the crackdown of firearm control then I don't know what does!

To be honest I want this to be the last one, the recent killing of primary school children should be the last, mankind will always find ways to kill each other, but when that involves a 20 year old, going into a primary school with a firearm then killing 20 innocent 6 and 7 year old's along with 6 teachers, then there's something wrong with the constitution that allows that. Because that's what allowing the public to have firearms does, it gives them the thought that when someone has wronged them in some way, they can go and kill some people!

It makes you wonder what kind of world and society we live in, one that allows that to happen. It certainly doesn't do much for the god-fearing people, because honestly what kind of god would allow that? I mean if god was willing but not able then that would not make your god omnipotent, but if he was able but not willing then your god is malevolent, and if finally your god is not willing nor able then why call him god?

Its a terrible shame when children are killed, a terrible shame when one person decides that 20, 6 and 7 year old's have lived as much of a life as they are allowed before cutting it short, who knows there could have been one or many that could solve that many problems of human kind, or discover intelligent life in the universe (because we are still a very very violent race, so we are not really that intelligent are we?) or a cure for cancer, or the next great composition anything could have come from those children, is the point.

So my condolences go out to the parents who never get to hug their child again, to the families that will never celebrate another birthday for that child, for the loss of life to mankind.

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